
Now offering free shipping anywhere in the continental US.
To place an order, please call 740-753-3130.


We now carry firearms at The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store. We have a variety of brands, including Smith & Wesson, Sig Sauer, Ruger, Henry, Glock, Savage, Marlin, Kel-Tec and more. We also offer a wide arrangement of firearm accessories. Come check out what we have to offer as we grow our inventory daily!

Bows & Archery Equipment

The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store now carries bows and archery equipment! Let our archery technician help you find exactly what you are looking for. We carry a variety of brands, including Mathews, Mission, PSE, and Parker. Stop in and see our new gear as we continue to expand our selection!


The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store now carries ammunition. We carry a variety of brands, including Hornady, Winchester, Remington, CCI, and Aguila. Stop in and check out what The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store offers as we continue to grow our ammunition inventory.

Work Boots

We carry a wide selection of work boots for almost any job! With trusted brands like Rocky and Georgia Boot your selection of footwear that meet ASTM Standards is wide ranging. These standards are created to meet footwear requirements of hazardous jobsites, including footwear with electrical hazard resistance, protective toe caps, and puncture resistance. Check out our entire selection of work boots, all under one roof!

Work Apparel

To complement our broad selection of work footwear, we also carry a sizeable selection of work apparel to fit all your job site or around the home needs. We stock Rocky bibs, flannels, hoodies, coats, and more.
Check out the complete assortment today!

Western Boots

You can never have too many western boots, which is why our entire second floor is dedicated to all things western! Square toe, round toe, or whatever your preference, we’ve got the boot for you! As Durango would say, it’s not a boot, it’s an attitude!

Hunting Footwear

Rocky Boots are known around the world as an elite hunting boot, and The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store is the mecca of all things hunting! Waterproofing, insulation and camouflage are features that only touch the tip of the iceberg! Come in to see the selection for yourself!

Hunting Apparel

In 2016 Rocky launched their own proprietary camouflage, Venator. Used throughout the world, Venator has become a staple in the hunting community. For the hardcore hunter or a casual piece, you can’t go wrong with Rocky Venator Camouflage. Check out all things camo at the Rocky Outdoor Gear Store!

Military and Duty Footwear

The world’s best and most well-known military and duty boots are all sold right here in Nelsonville, Ohio! Whether you’re fighting for our country or guarding our streets, we have the boots to help you protect and serve!

Deck Shoes & Boots

From around the house chores to fishing on the boat, we have rows of deck shoes and boots from brands you know and trust, with prices that will blow you away!

Casual Shoes

Whether it’s hiking, vacation, or just a lap around the neighborhood, get ready for all your adventures with casual shoes from The Rocky Outdoor Gear Store!

Medical Scrubs & Footwear

We have all the medical apparel and footwear you could need. We have a huge variety, so stop by today!

© 2022 Rocky Brands Inc.